Monday, January 20, 2014

Holistic Web Marketing - Step One, Brand Awareness

One of my favourite things about using the internet as a marketing tool is how versatile it is. For some people using social media and having a website will only ever help build their brand awareness, but for others being online will lead directly to sales. And then their are all the steps in between.

Let's explore those steps, one blog post at a time!

Step One - Brand Awareness

An online strategy should be a complete, holistic look at how your business is represented on the internet. The first step of any business looking to get into marketing themselves on the web should be to Google themselves.

Go ahead, I'll wait. Search your full name in quotation marks. Add your city if you like. Have a look through that. Next, search your company or organization name. Anything interesting show up.

The number one reason I give people for having a website, a blog, a YouTube channel, a LinkedIn page, Facebook page and more is to control the message people get when they search for you online. If all the results on the  first page aren't your owned content than I hope it's a glowing review from a local newspaper.

First, you should be using online tools to tell the story of your business. So it's about brand awareness first.

The old adage is that it takes someone seeing your name 7 times before they remember your name. And then, now they say that people only register hearing or seeing every third thing, so if your name was one of the other two they didn't register, boy you are starting to look at hitting someone over the head a lot before they even notice you.

This may or may not be true, I'm sure I can find research to prove it, or to disprove it as long as I search for it. But I know that when I'm trying to decide which restaurant to eat at, which book to read or which movie to watch tonight whichever one I've heard of most recently is usually the one I choose. Awareness is all about frequency.

Step one - be there every time your customer is thinking about your product.

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