First I took on a plank challenge starting the beginning of the month at 20 seconds and ending the month at 5 minutes. I was doing really well with that one until I hit the 2 minute mark around the middle of the month. After a break day on a Saturday I just never started again. Oops.
The other challenge I took on was to write something every day. It was a loose challenge I made for myself. I keep a completely personal, agenda free Tumblr account and started posting there every other day or so. My writing challenge wasn't a formal challenge with any type of plan, so I didn't feel too bad if I went a day and forgot to write.
I also write blog posts for my podcast and figured I would count those towards my writing. Mostly I just wanted to up my writing so that I can practice since I need to write copy for my website which is suffering from a pretty serious case of the "cobbler's children".
But, of course, without a plan it was very easy to deviate from it. Also, "write every day" is a pretty wide open directive, what the heck am I going to write today? I may have managed a week of writing regularly before I just forgot to go back.
So, here I am again, planning on writing every day. But this time, I've got a plan, or at least the beginnings of a plan. I've got just under a week of posts already decided on, a few regular posts that will come out weekly, and more importantly, somebody watching.
I've joined Hubspot's 30 Day Blog Challenge. That part wasn't planned, but I saw an announcement last week for the event and after a day of thinking about it, I decided I needed a bit more of an incentive anyway.
I'll warn you right now, the next 30 posts aren't all going to be winners, they aren't necessarily all going to be about online media, marketing or even business, but I hope they will at least be entertaining and more importantly they will force me out of the analysis paralysis that is my go-to form of procrastination!
So, in preparation, I spent the last three days at a cottage on the Trent Severn Waterway and did absolutely nothing but eat, be merry and visit with friends and family. And now, I put my nose to the grindstone and churn it out for the next 30 days. Love the grind!
View from the deck of the cottage, overlooking the river |
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