Thursday, January 14, 2016

Nothing to say but I'm saying it anyway

I have a half finished blog in my drafts. It might be even less than half finished, I can't be concise since I started morning pages. It's on the last year and how well I did, or didn't do, and what I hope the next year will look like.

I also have a podcast topic in my head I've been meaning to record for weeks. I stay up late at night thinking through my thoughts.

But you will get neither of those today. Today you will get this short post talking about how you don't get those.

I have had an urge to write more lately and to be share my thoughts and feelings more than I can in a short Facebook or Twitter post. And that's really what blogging is for, isn't it?

So this is just a kickstart, to try to get me back into the habit. Sometimes you just need to start. Actually, every time you just need to start.


A bunch of books I've already read
I set myself a challenge to read a book a week this year, or more rightly to read 52 books. Some books might take more than a week, some less. I'm not going to worry about that part. I have already finished 2 books and am well into my 3rd of the year, so that's going well. On top of that, the book I just finished and the one I am currently reading have been on my to read list for a year.

If you want to follow along and see what I'm reading you can follow me on Goodreads. And if you want to suggest a book, well you know how to leave a comment. The less straight, white and North American the writer, the better.

Writing about food will come. Not to worry.

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